Sound quality of BlueSYNC BX is not good.

  • Many times the quality of your MP3, WAV, MIDI, WMV, MP4 or other music file can affect the quality of the sound being produced.
    • Are all songs being listened sound bad, or only some of them?
  • Please make sure that your audio file size and quality are to your expectations. Sometimes a small file will distort at high volume. Using high quality files that are larger in size will provide better sound quality.
    • Does playing different file sizes yield different results?
  • Please try turning the volume down on your device, and then on the BlueSYNC BXL until there is no more distortion.
    • Does turning down the volume solve the problem?
  • Try playing music from a different device or by using a different application and or music that is stored on your device.  
    • Is the sound quality different when a different media source or application is used?

Please contact customer service if the troubleshooting above does not solve the problem.