Connecting a solar panel to the ReVIVE RESTORE 9200

The ReVIVE RESTORE 9200 comes with a 'Panel Link' which can be used to attach solar panels (sold separately). Up to 4 panels can be attached, each panel adds an additional 280mAh of solar charging panel.

  • To connect the additional panels, first attach the Panel Link to the ReVIVE RESTORE 9200. This is done by attaching the hooks on the panel link, to the holes on the right side of the Restore 9200. Attach the bottom hook first because it is spring loaded, then the top hook second.
    • Were you able to connect the panel link to the ReVIVE RESTORE 9200?
  • Once the Panel Link is attached, connect the additional solar panel to the holes on the right side of the Panel Link, start with the bottom hook of the solar panel first because it is spring loaded, then the top hook second.
    • Were you able to get the solar panel attached to the Panel Link?
  • With the Panel link and solar panel attached to the ReVIVE RESTORE 9200, place the entire set up into direct sunlight. The LED test light on the panel will glow RED when in the sun. Press the test button, if the LED turns off when the test button is pressed, this indicates a proper connection.
  • Does the LED light turn off when the test button is pressed?

Please contact customer service if the troubleshooting above does not solve the problem.