Static/Distortion coming from the GTV Headset


  • Please try charging the unit OVERNIGHT. Sometimes the battery needs to be exercised with a lengthy charge in order to be at its maximum working potential.
  • Does charging the BlueVIBE GTV Headset alleviate the issue?
  • Please make sure that you are within 30 feet of the BlueVIBE GTV transmitter. When sound cuts in and out or has static, it can mean that the Bluetooth signal is not strong enough to keep a steady connection.
  • Does moving the paired transmitter closer to the headset yield better results?
  • Try un-pairing and re-pairing the BlueVIBE GTV Headset and transmitter.
  • Does this solve the problem?
  • Remember to ONLY use one of the two included AC powered adapters to connect to the transmitter as plugging a USB cable directly into your TV’s USB port will cause distortion and/or static.
  • Does switching to the adapter help resolve the distortion issue?

For further assistance, please contact our team at