Pairing the BlueSYNC SBR

Pairing to the BlueSYNC SBR:

  1. Turn the BlueSYNC SBR on by pressing the power button on the remote or on the speaker.
  2. With the speaker power on, press the source button on the remote or on the speaker until the LED on the front of the speaker is illuminated blue, indicating the speaker is in Bluetooth mode.
  3. Press and hold down the Play/Pause button for 3 seconds until the LED starts blinking. A blinking blue LED indicates the speaker is in pairing mode and ready to be found by a Bluetooth enabled device.
  4. From your Bluetooth enabled device, search for pairable devices and select the BlueSYNC SBR for pairing when it shows up in the Bluetooth list.
  5. If prompted for to enter a pin on your device, enter "0000"
  6. Once connected to the speaker, your device will information the connection to the BlueSYNC SBR is complete.

Please contact customer service if the troubleshooting above does not solve the problem.